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Full Forms of Multimedia & Graphics related Abbreviations & terms

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Here is a list of Abbreviations (or terms) related to Multimedia and Graphics with their full forms or descriptions. Graphics and multimedia students may find this Graphics full-form list useful for them.

3DCG3D Computer Graphics
AAAnti-Aliasing (smoothing jagged edges)
AACAdvanced Audio Coding
AIArtificial Intelligence
ARAugmented Reality
AVIAudio Video Interleave
BMPBitmap (image format)
CELCell (individual drawing in traditional animation)
CMYCyan Magenta Yellow (color printing)
CMYKCyan Magenta Yellow Black (color printing)
codecCoder/decoder (software for compression/decompression)
CGComputer Graphics
CGIComputer-Generated Imagery
DAWDigital Audio Workstation
DCCDigital Content Creation
DFXDigital Effects
DMX512Digital Multiplex (lighting control protocol)
DPIDots Per Inch
FBXFilm Box (3D interchange format)
FLVFlash Video
FPSFrames Per Second
FXEffects (special effects in animation/film)
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
GLTFGL Transmission Format (3D model format)
GUIGraphical User Interface
H.264Video compression standard
HTML5Hypertext Markup Language version 5 (used in web development)
HSLHue, Saturation, Lightness (color model)
HSVHue, Saturation, Value (color model)
IPIntellectual Property
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
JPEG 2000Image compression standard
KeyframeFrame that defines the starting or ending point of an animation
LODLevel of Detail (optimizing visual quality based on distance)
LUTLook Up Table (color correction)
MbpsMegabits per second
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
Motion CaptureRecording real-world movement for animation
MP3MPEG-1 Audio Layer III (audio format)
MP4MPEG-4 (multimedia container format)
MpegMoving Picture Experts Group
NLENon-Linear Editing
OBJWavefront (.obj) (3D model format)
OggMultimedia container format
OpenGLOpen Graphics Library (API for 3D graphics)
OSCOpen Sound Control (communication protocol for multimedia)
PNGPortable Network Graphics (image format)
PPMPortable Pixmap (image format)
PSDPhotoshop Document (image format)
QVGAQuarter Video Graphics Array (screen resolution)
RenderProcess of generating final images from a 3D scene
RigDigital skeleton used to animate characters
RotoscopingTracing over live-action footage to create animation
SFXSound Effects
StoryboardSequence of drawings used to plan an animation/film
SWFShockwave Flash (multimedia file format)
TimelineInterface element in animation software displaying the sequence of frames
TweenAutomatic generation of intermediate frames between keyframes
UI/UXUser Interface/User Experience
UX/UIUser Experience/User Interface (order can vary)
VRVirtual Reality
WMVWindows Media Video
WYSIWYGWhat You See Is What You Get (editing environment reflecting final output)


GradGuru99's founder is a graduate of NIT, Durgapur. In this portal, he and his team publish useful content for undergraduate students and fresh graduates.