List Of Free AI Courses By Google & Others

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AI is everywhere these days, from hospitals to computer companies and even writing! Some people are scared that AI might take their jobs, and there might be some truth to that. A report even said that AI could replace up to 300 million jobs! But instead of being scared, the answer might be to actually use the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to help us do our jobs better, not take them away completely. Here is a list of free AI courses by Google & others.

Level up your skills with AI! | List Of Free AI Courses By Google & Others

Google offers these courses to get you started with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and show you how to use it in your work.

TitleCourse CoversLink
Introduction to Generative AI– what Generative AI is, how it is used, and how it differs from traditional machine learning methods
– Generative AI Model Types and Generative AI Applications
Introduction to Image Generation– introduces diffusion models, (machine learning models that could help in image generation)
– touches on how to implement text-to-image and real use cases for diffusion models. 
Create Image Captioning Models– usage of deep learning to create an image captioning model.
– create your own image captioning models and use them to generate captions for images. 
Introduction to Large Language Models– what large language models (LLM) are
– the cases where they can be utilized. 
– Google’s Gen AI Development tools
Introduction to Responsible AI– what responsible AI is, and its relevance
– how organisations can design AI to fit their own business needs and values
– how decisions made at all stages of a project have an impact on responsible AI
Google offers these courses to get you started with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and show you how to use it in your work.

Other than Google, the following platforms also offer AI courses: 

  1. Artificial Intelligence Courses from Coursera here. 
  2. AI courses offered by EdX here: Harvard University course by EdX


GradGuru99's founder is a graduate of NIT, Durgapur. In this portal, he and his team publish useful content for undergraduate students and fresh graduates.