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Career opportunities in ML and big data analytics in management

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Technology has changed how businesses do their thing, making them more productive using data. Big data analytics and machine learning, which we call ML, are a big deal in this. But to utilize these cool tech tools and stay ahead, companies need skilled professionals who can handle them like pros.

So, now everyone’s looking for whizzes in big data analytics and ML for different jobs in various areas. But to snag these gigs, you have to be good at what you do and know how to manage stuff. Let’s check out some cool jobs in these areas.

  1. Healthcare Data Analyst:
    • Healthcare and Tech are booming in India, and being a healthcare data analyst sits right in the middle of it.
    • These professionals use data to make healthcare better. They improve patient care, make things smoother, and check how well healthcare places are doing. It’s all about the business side of medicine, which needs a lot of know-how.
  2. Human Resources Analytics Specialist:
    • These resources are the data champs in any company. They look at numbers and tell the company how to make things better on the inside.
    • They’re like the experts who know all about the workers – how they perform, what they earn, and what benefits they get.
  3. Marketing Analytics Manager:
    • To make a company’s brand cooler, a marketing analytics manager studies how well marketing plans are doing.
    • They’re all about finding ways to make more money by knowing what customers want and finding ways to save money. Plus, they’re good at organizing and talking to keep things running smoothly.
  4. Business Intelligence Analyst:
    • With data becoming a big deal, business intelligence (BI) is in the spotlight. And here’s where the BI analysts come in.
    • These folks link different parts of a company and share super useful info to help make big decisions. They also keep an eye on key stats to guide important choices.

So, in a nutshell, big data and ML are the talk of the town, with the market for big data analytics set to explode to $745.15 billion by 2030. ML is on the rise too, expected to hit $225.91 billion by 2030. It’s clear that tons of new job options are coming, but to grab them, you need to mix techie smarts with business sense. Students looking for a way in can go for a PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) in Big Data Analytics to get ready for the tech-driven business world and snag those sweet jobs.

[Written based on a news article]


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