Very short answer type questions with answers given in brackets.
- In 8085, the DAA instruction is used for _ (Decimal Adjust Accumulator)
- Addressing mode used in instruction PUSH B is __( Register Addressing mode)
- What is the call location for TRAP interrupt? ( 0024h )
- How many address lines are required for 32kB memory chip? ( 15 )
- What are the software interrupt in 8085 microprocessor? (RST 0-7)
- When the IN and OUT instructions are executed, the address of I/O device is placed in low order address bus. At this time what will be the content of high order address bus? (Same content as of low order address bus.)
- Which port of 8255 PPI can be used in BSR mode? (Port C only )
- _ Machine cycles are required for the execution of “INRM” instruction. (3 machine cycle)
- In which mode of operation 8255 PPI supports bi-directional data transfer? ( Mode-2 )
- How many machine cycles are required for the execution of “CALL” instruction? ( 5 )
- The CWR address of 8255 connected to 8085 is FB h, what will be the address for Port A? ( F8h)
- Mode 2 operation of 8255 is known as __. ( Bi-directional data transfer mode )
- Single instruction which is used to clear the lower four bits of the accumulator in 8085 is_________. ( ANI F0 H)
- Which instruction is needed to enable the interrupt TRAP in 8085? (EI )
- Stack pointer register is used to hold _. ( stack top address)
- To initiate DMA data transfer the signal to be sent to the 8085 CPU is _. ( HOLD )
- CMA instruction is an example of 8085 that uses _ addressing mode. (Implicit)
- Between DCR and DCX instructions, the status flags are affected by _. (only DCR)
- The clock frequency of 8085 microprocessor is 5MHz. If the time required for executing an instruction is 1.4 µs, then the number of T-states needed for executing the instruction is_____.
(7 T-states) - The number of machine cycles required to execute the instruction LDA 3000h in 8085 is______.
(4 machine cycles) - XCHG instruction of 8085 exchanges the content of __. (DE register pair and HL register pair)
- Which register is used in 8085 to keep the address of next instruction to be fetched? (Program counter)
- Which instruction is used in 8085 that doubles the value in accumulator? (ADD A )
- The 8085 microprocessor has ______bit data bus and _____bit address bus. (8, 16)
- How many T-states are required to execute DAD B instruction? (10 )
- SIM instruction is used to enable _ ( RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST5.5)